They specialize in vices such as prostitution, pornography, and gambling. They are distinguished by their love of motorcycles and import tuners. The Ronin ( gold), a Yakuza branch led by the petty son of a Japanese oyabun.They specialize in arms dealing and racketeering.
The Brotherhood ( red), a gang consisting of social outcasts and punks who enjoy tattoos, heavy metal and big trucks.Upon busting out of prison and rescuing homie Johnny Gat from the electric chair, they discover that four forces have risen to fill the void in power left by the Saints' disappearance: It turns out that 'Playa' survived the blast at the end of Saints Row, but has spent five years in a coma - the game begins just as he (or she - you can now play as a female character) wakes up. It is the second game in the Saints Row series. Saints Row 2 is a Wide-Open Sandbox video game released in late 2008 for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.